
just trying my hand at some illustration and maybe even some sequential art, so in the very unlikely circumstance you like what you see, have money to spare and would like me to do something for said monies... go to drawjerky.com and say so.

Tuesday 23 March 2010


I know I've already put a link below but I've just found out how to widen this blog so I may well be able to embed the video without it being cut at the side... we will see

Saturday 20 March 2010

and onwards...

so the first one of the latest style out of the way, and I have to say, I'm the happiest I've been for a long time regarding this stuff. I am now writing the next 'episode' in the dog like way series ( I hate saying that, 'episode'... but i suppose that's what I wanted all along) and at the moment it is taking good shape. More characters, more story and it looks as though it'll be running at about 7-8 mins long so pencils ready...

Wednesday 17 March 2010

dog like way

First animation under the auspices of 'drawjerky' is here. for some reason I can only embed about 2/3rds of the video so its just a link for the time being..

Saturday 6 March 2010

so, the web site is under construction (you can see the build at 'the big jerky' although there are time where it is a bit slow... don't know if it's my connection or what. Anyway all this means is that I feel compelled to do some work now, which is surely a good thing...

Tuesday 2 March 2010

There, that's what you want... dog pictures..


i think i'm going to have to write drawjerky a few times so google picks up on it, and maybe put some links in somewhere.. I hope you like the "drawjerky" title up there.. in red, it's nice is it not?.. fine.. no one listen then...


and I need to do a title page as well .. coming soon..


so I managed to get a web domain thang and am having teething issues with building it. On the one hand I would like to make it all professional and shiny which may lead to people giving me money for fuck knows what.. but on the other hand I want to write swear words all over it and make it full of angst.. surprisingly, that's how I feel at the moment - and not care what transpires..
... conundrums..