
just trying my hand at some illustration and maybe even some sequential art, so in the very unlikely circumstance you like what you see, have money to spare and would like me to do something for said monies... go to drawjerky.com and say so.

Wednesday 12 May 2010


I can't believe, having read some of the forums regarding the 'Libs secret and backhanded talks with the Tories', the naivety of TOO MANY of the public, and especially that fucker Rifkin, who should know better (and probably does).


Really... people... WISE UP!

Monday 10 May 2010

painter 2

well, haven't done much today but I did manage to have another bash with painter and painted over a photograph. I kind of like it tho it does reek of digital-ness. but I don't suppose you can really get away from this really,... anyway..

and this one was done with one of the automatic clone auto paint auto thingies and is one of the few that slightly gets away from looking like a photograph... as I say,... slightly...

Sunday 9 May 2010


well, while pencil is free and groovy, it has its limitations so I decided to go back and have a look at Painter. This time I delved into it a little more deeply and below is my first 'proper' effort.
More investigation is needed....

Saturday 8 May 2010


clean the shed.. (i dropped a big box of raw plugs and they are everywhere)
go to the tip.. (mattress type thing needs to get thrown)
trip to supermarket.. (usually this is my bag but my cash card seems to be corrupted and there's no cash so company is required)

then maybe a little drive/walk in the country/by the sea...

and all this while our potential leaders busy themselves making whatever deals they can to appease each other/climb in bed/sell their souls etc...

rawplugs... tidy up the bloody rawplugs

Wednesday 5 May 2010


i have found this again... i think i've messed around with it before to not much enthusiasm but i must be in the mood for it now. this is one of the few (if not only) program that actually looks 'inky' and 'pencil' like when drawing with it... i'm excited.. it probably won't last but i love the fact it's 'open source' and it's another nudge that may take me back to linux... crap geek that i am.


there you go nix... look at them and drool... well,maybe.. on the left the 'ashbyry guild soprano' uke which is electrified so you can plug it into an amp and be HEARD... on the right the 'baton rouge baritone' uke which is tuned like the first four strings on a guitar.. which means i still cant play it...ha ha..

Tuesday 4 May 2010


the builders have gone and now the basement is 'tanked' so (hopefully) that will have cured the damp problem... we will see. The plaster still has a little drying to do and then it's on with the painting. Managed to do first coat of the backdoor yesterday but it was sticky for AGES so had to leave said door open until 10 and it was cold... oh, woe is fucking me...

and onwards....