
just trying my hand at some illustration and maybe even some sequential art, so in the very unlikely circumstance you like what you see, have money to spare and would like me to do something for said monies... go to drawjerky.com and say so.

Monday, 12 July 2010

graphic novels..

I have decided, having the attention span of an american, that reading graphic novels would be more productive (in the sense of finishing things) than reading regular literature. Don't get me wrong, I have phases of of reading where I get a little daft and have about five books on the go... but at the moment I'm finding the graphics much more satisfying.

This may have something to do with my desire to produce something of this ilk (such a long road to travel, this I know)

I read one by Matthias Lehmann which I thought was very good (I have to say in comparison with all the Marvel/DC superhero bollocks which is really not my bag..). Actually very good could be much more in depth but it's been a long day.. suffice to say I dug it... I digged it... etc...

Then another by Jason Lutes which again was good tho it did seem to have somewhat of a cop out of an ending.

Treated myself to a couple more today but I'm tired now and can't be arsed... maybe later there will be depth... I doubt it somehow...

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